A credit card comes with great responsibility. Credit cardholders seem to be running on a hamster wheel of responsibilities like keeping track of the outstanding balance, collecting reward points, keeping a check on credit card use, and so forth. A few bad habits like excessive use of credit cards, neglect of the reward points, and more take a toll on the bankroll. Financial experts recommend a few safe practices for the proper and effective use of the credit card. Implement the rational habits of credit card use right from today to drive out your financial worries.
The healthiest habits to be developed by credit cardholders
1. Pay the entire bill completely and on time
Make it a drill to meet the full payment of the credit card bill on time every month. By doing so, one can avoid the penalties of late payment and avert the excessive interests too. However, if you are unable to make the full payment at a time, break it into installments and make multiple payments every month. You can set an auto-pay mode as well for automatic bill payment.
2. Adhere to the fixed budget
Prepare a budget and make it a routine to stick to it at all costs. Go through the budget every week for more convenience. Checking the budget every week helps to steer clear of credit card overdue and debts.
3. Try to stay beneath the credit card limits
Financial experts recommend the use of less than approximately 30% of the credit card limit to maintain a good credit score. The lesser the credit card balance, the more beneficial it is for the credit card score. Keep track of the expenditure by using the app launched by the credit card company or bank. Check the balance regularly, and pay whenever it seems that the balance is too high.
4. Monitor the credit card account
Read the credit card statement thoroughly and analyze every figure as there may be several issues like fraudulent entries and billing mistakes. Sign up for push notifications to stay updated on every credit card transaction. Contact the credit card company immediately if you notice any discrepancies.
5. Watch out for more lucrative offers
Keep an eye out for new and more profitable credit cards and compare the offers with those of your current credit card. If the new offer is more prosperous, then grab it as soon as you can. However, make sure that you maintain your credit score by using the old credit card now and then and in a way so as not to incur an annual fee payment.
Stick to the prudent habits of the credit card used to lead a stress-free life. Keep your financial troubles at bay by paying the bills on time and adhering to the budget. Pay a little extra every month so that you can get out of debt as quickly as possible. Whatever you do, do not let the bills accumulate. But, if you do make a mistake or two, don’t lose heart. You will not become bankrupt overnight. Please focus on the issue instead and try to fix it. Stay in touch with the credit card company and turn the proper credit card habits into a daily routine.